About Joel

Gratitude tiger

Joel has written nearly 300 Letters of Gratitude over the last eleven years. These heartfelt, often humorous letters have been important touchstones to their recipients. Coming not only as a delightful surprise, but more importantly, serving to cement relationships and reaffirm connections to scores of individuals, couples, and groups he’s reached out to. Family members, old friends, new friends, business associates and those who have mentored, assisted, or otherwise supported him, are among the recipients of these wholly unexpected communications in their mailbox.

How did Joel transform from a prolific golf and travel writer (Vagabondgolfer.com) to a gratitude guru? This 90 second video explains this unusual transition!

Vagabond Golfer

Joel Zuckerman is the only two-time winner of the International Network of Golf’s Book of the Year Award.  (Pete Dye in 2009, Pro’s Pros in 2013.)  He has written ten books in total, contributed to more than 110 publications worldwide, and has made repeated appearances on Golf Channel, Sirius XM Radio and PBS Radio.

His entertaining and informative speaking presentations have been enjoyed by appreciative audiences in Boston, Bora-Bora, Scottsdale, Scotland, Fiji, Florida, and many points in between.  Joel’s clients include corporate groups, high end country clubs, and luxury cruise liners.