The wave keeps cresting

About seven weeks ago, I wrote a blog post titled “letters come in waves.” The gist of it was, I had written quite a few letters throughout the first two months of the year, mostly due to circumstances, and how I was on pace for a record setting number of letters of gratitude written in 2024.

Well, due to extenuating circumstances, which I will get into more deeply another time, I have continued to write at a frenzied pace. 18 letters have gone out the door in the first third of the year. That translates to 54 letters if this torrid pace continues, which assuredly it will not.

 As I said previously, I typically write 20 or 25 letters annually. Furthermore, another unprecedented statistic: I have written four letters of gratitude in the last five days! That is something that has never happened before and is unlikely to ever happen again.

This is due to some recent trauma. All I’m going to say about it at this point is that by showing gratitude, living gratefully, focusing on gratitude twenty or thirty times daily is helping me through this trying time. The ultimate manifestation of this situation is my deep desire, literally a compulsion, to write letters, share my feelings and share my gratitude. It is as good a way to get through this rough patch as anything else I can think of. More on the unexpected turn of events next time I post.


Trauma begets gratitude?


Brevity is the soul of wit